In this section:


We incorporate efficiency into new building designs and retrofit older equipment, lighting and other systems to reduce utility costs and carbon emissions. We conduct regular energy audits to monitor consumption and identify reduction opportunities.

2021 Highlights
  • Replaced chillers to more efficient models at two hospitals and upgraded LED lighting at a third hospital, earning nearly $38,000 in utility rebates.
  • Recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program for significantly increasing Texas Health Alliance’s energy efficiency rating since 2017. 
  • Expanded the system’s physical footprint, which led to a 6.9% year-over-year increase in electricity consumption and 5.9% increase in natural gas use, falling short of our reduction goal. See the 2021 Social Purpose Summary Report for additional energy data.


To help sustain the growing North Texas population's water needs, we use low-flow toilets, waterless urinals and water-efficient irrigation systems. We also participate in the North Texas Healthcare Laundry Cooperative, which allows us to wash linens using 50% less water, chemicals and energy than traditional laundry services.

To keep wastewater and stormwater discharges from exceeding local and state limits, we routinely inspect and assess our water delivery systems as required by code. We also monitor long-term water availability, restrictions, forecasts and storage capabilities.

2021 Highlights
  • Conserved 83.16 million gallons of water in the last five years, enough to fill 125.95 Olympic-sized swimming pools.
  • Increased water consumption by 13.2% due to systemwide expansions, falling short of our 5% reduction goal. See the 2021 Social Purpose Summary Report for additional water data.


We conserve materials by buying less, reusing and recycling what we can and responsibly disposing of what we must. We have established policies and protocols that reinforce the safe handling, storage and disposal of materials to comply with local laws and regulations.

A national waste disposal company trains our staff to manage medical and other hazardous waste properly. The company also removes chemicals, pharmaceuticals and other materials from our facilities.

2021 Highlights
Snapshot: Recycling Programs Eliminate Waste, Emissions

Texas Health recycles various devices such as pulse oximeters, harmonic scalpels, ECG leads and cables and more to avoid landfill waste. Through a program with the National Forest Foundation, we exchange recycled single-use devices for points toward tree planting.

In 2021, we diverted approximately 90,000 pounds of these devices from landfills, resulting in the planting of 1,989 trees.

Additionally, we:

  • Purchased reusable sharps containers to avoid single-use bins. We avoided generating 609,578 pounds of greenhouse gases used in the production and transport of these containers during the year, which is the equivalent of gases generated by 60.1 passenger vehicles over a year.
  • Recycled over 2 million pounds of materials, such as cardboard, paper and plastics. This kept 3,000 cubic yards of items out of landfills and avoided consuming nearly 7.1 million gallons of water, 4.1 million kilowatts of energy, 388,897 gallons of oil and 17,400 trees.


When we build or refurbish a facility, our Systems Engineering teams analyze ways to improve durability, efficiency and affordability while complying with building codes and maintaining comfort and safety. The more efficient we construct and operate our buildings, the more we can reduce long-term costs and environmental impacts. We save on average $7.5 million a year from using LED lighting alone.

For example:

  • Architects designed Texas Health Hospital Frisco to reduce wind damage and noise pollution, reduce air conditioning demand and absorb heat. It also collects rainwater and air conditioning condensation in underground retention ponds for reuse in irrigation.
  • Texas Health Mansfield and the new nine-story Jane and John Justin Tower use the Framework for Design Excellence and the American Institute of Architects 2030 Commitment goals to achieve energy and water efficiency, use healthy building materials and improve occupant well-being. The project was named the 2021 D CEO Outstanding Medical Real Estate Project.