Leveraging the Power of Data and Analytics
Texas Health uses big data and analytics to unveil actionable business intelligence that will help the system reduce costs, grow service lines and drive performance improvement. Some of our key initiatives include:
  • Dashboards

    Texas Health's analytics team enables departments systemwide to monitor their performance and other key indicators in near real time. Together with business and clinical leaders, they create custom dashboards to display relevant data that drive intelligent decision-making.

    For example, teams can monitor safety near-misses, staffing availability, patient volumes, supply consumption and more. This helps them troubleshoot and address potential risks before they escalate, reduce costs or optimize performance. Each analytic department owns and customizes its interface to derive relevant insights, but the development process and training are consistent across the system.

  • Data Catalog

    Texas Health created a data catalog to capture systemwide data assets and store them in one central location. This allows analysts to determine what data exists (and what is still needed), who owns it and how often it is refreshed. The data also can be used to make calculations, forecasts or other types of analysis.

    For example, analysts can determine the number of medical supplies on hand and how quickly they will be used. Or they can evaluate call center data, definitions of wait times and calculate whether more agents are needed to handle the volume of calls.

    The catalog is searchable, so teams can quickly identify what data they need, request access and receive business intelligence within minutes or hours – instead of days or weeks.

  • Provider Database

    To access and exchange vital information about healthcare providers who interface with Texas Health, we built a database to bring together disparate sources of information into one master record. It contains physicians' names, practice areas, contact information, pictures, videos, curriculum vitae and 200+ more fields. This allows teams across the system to tap a single source of truth, i.e., current, accurate and consistent information from which to monitor performance, identify specialists by type and more.

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COVID-19 Dashboard Drives Effective Response

Texas Health’s response to any new or rapidly evolving situation as it unfolds is critical. To help monitor the pandemic's potential impacts on employees and patients, we built a daily COVID-19 dashboard with input from hospital and Texas Health Physicians Group leaders.

The dashboard empowers entity leaders to adapt to daily fluctuations in hospital bed capacity, equipment availability, staffing availability and supply usage for today and a week into the future. This helps them better forecast their needs and adjust as needed to continue providing safe, quality care.