Reducing Impacts
We proactively seek ways to reduce waste and optimize efficiency with our hospitals operating 24/7 and many of our other buildings open several days a week. This saves money and reduces impacts on health and the environment. We focus on reducing consumption of:
  • Energy

    We incorporate efficiency into new building design and retrofit older equipment, lighting and other systems to reduce expenses and carbon emissions. We conduct regular energy audits to monitor consumption and identify reduction opportunities.

  • Water

    To help sustain the growing North Texas population's water needs, we use low-flow toilets, waterless urinals and water-efficient irrigation systems. We also participate in the North Texas Healthcare Laundry Cooperative, which allows us to wash linens using 50% less water, chemicals and energy than traditional laundry services.

    To keep wastewater and stormwater discharges from exceeding local and state limits, we routinely inspect and test our water delivery systems as required by code. We also monitor long-term water availability by staying apprised of restrictions, forecasts and storage capabilities.

  • Materials

    We conserve materials by buying less, reusing and recycling what we can and responsibly disposing of what we must. We have established policies and protocols that reinforce the safe handling, storage and disposal of materials to comply with local laws and regulations. A national waste disposal company trains our staff on how to handle medical and other hazardous waste properly. The company also removes chemicals, pharmaceuticals and other materials from our facilities.

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